RF Microneedling (BTL Exion)

Similar to microneedling, RF microneedling works on similar science but is believed to yield a higher efficacy. It targets a deeper level of the skin, therefore creating a more immense impact as a treatment. People are drawn to RF microneedling as it works on promoting collagen and elastin production, therefore leading to a significant improvement in skin quality and texture.

What is RF Microneedling?

Radio Frequency (RF) microneedling devices use specially insulated needles that deliver high-intensity radio frequency energy into the targeted tissue once the needles have broken through the skin. This gives a uniform warming effect to the deep tissue, which helps to further stimulate new collagen fibers to grow, leading to significant improvement to skin quality and texture. The channeled energy enhances the effects of traditional microneedling.

Most people get RF microneedling on their face, but you can also get it on various other body areas where you notice damaged or aging skin. You’ll probably need multiple treatments to achieve your desired results.

Treatment Options

RF Microneedling Face Area (30 mins)

₦ 375,000

RF Microneedling Body Area (30 mins)

₦ 450,000

Before and After

What is Included?

Microneedling appointments start with the application of a topical anesthetic to numb the skin during the treatment. The RF microneedling device then proceeds to make tiny wounds in the skin while simultaneously releasing radiofrequency into them. This will yield the effect of deeper penetration without the needle penetrating further. The procedure then lasts between 15-30 minutes depending on the area and concern being treated. We then focus on soothing and repairing the skin with a special mask to minimize discomfort. Finally, we look to protect the skin from further damage and apply a moisturizing SPF 50+ cream.

What are the benefits of RF Microneedling?

RF microneedling has gained popularity for its growing list of benefits. It is said to rejuvenate and plump the skin with minimal discomfort and downtime, and it can be adjusted to fit each person’s needs.

RF microneedling can improve:

  • The appearance of scars, including acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • The appearance of hyperpigmentation, or dark spots
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Skin elasticity
  • The appearance of stretch marks
  • Hair growth in people with alopecia

Microneedling is less expensive than laser therapy and may work better for some people. Laser treatments involve heat, which can affect skin pigmentation.

People with darker skin tones may prefer microneedling to laser therapy because of safety concerns associated with certain types of laser treatments on skin of color. Research on the effectiveness and safety of laser treatment on darker skin tones is still underdeveloped.

Learn About Your Visit

It is important to note that there is a 24-72 hour downtime associated with this treatment, so you should schedule your appointment accordingly.

  • Before the procedure, you may need to stop taking certain medications, such as ibuprofen and those for acne treatment (like Accutane).
  • Avoid Retinol and abrasive exfoliants 5-7 days prior. You should also refrain from receiving Botox for 1 week before your appointment.

All microneedling appointments start with a consultation to ensure that we understand your unique goals and to personalize the treatment to your needs.

  • We start by applying a topical anesthetic to numb the skin during the treatment. While this will make it more comfortable for you, it will also add 45 minutes to your appointment time.
  • Using a pen-like tool, microscopic pinpricks will be made underneath the skin’s surface. You may feel a warm, scratching sensation during the treatment.

There will be an immediate and visible redness to your skin or even a temporary discoloration caused by the RF microneedling. Smoother skin can be expected within a week and the results of the treatment course should last about 3-5 months.

  • For the first 24 hours post-treatment, avoid wearing makeup. The makeup can enter the skin post-microneedling and cause breakouts or additional impurities in the pores.
  • For the following 48 hours, avoid sweaty exercise, hot tubs, and swimming.
  • To see and maintain optimal results from RF microneedling, we recommend starting with a series of 3-5 treatments depending on your concern, spaced one month apart.

How it Works

RF microneedling uses tiny needles that penetrate deep layers of skin to boost the production of collagen and elastin, combating wrinkles and acne scarring, while improving texture and tone. As the insulated needles penetrate the skin, the high-intensity radio frequency energy is channeled through the needles into the targeted tissue. This energy release allows the skin’s natural regenerative process to occur at a deeper level and therefore increase the subsequent collagen and elastin production yielded by the treatment.

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